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Becoming a Bus Driver - How to Become a Bus Driver

First, if you haven’t already done so, make a thorough examination of yourself as to whether you really do want to become a bus driver. Do you know what becoming a bus driver entails? Spend a few days, or longer, doing this self examination. Just make sure that becoming a bus driver is really what you want to do. The following may sound cliché to you, but it is very true: so many people just rush into a job because they do not know of what else is out there. So do take a little time out of your busy schedule to reflect if this is what you would like to do for the rest of your life.   There is nothing wrong about being a bus driver. You may really like it. Just make sure that your temperament and personality fit this type of job and that you know what a typical day of being a bus driver is like.  

Different people are suited to different jobs. You will excel and be happier in a job that suits you more than in one that is molded onto you by society. All jobs are worthy because everyone can make a difference to society in any job. We need cashiers, people dumping garbage, taxi drivers, computer programmers, etc. In choosing your favorite occupation and excelling in it, you will make your stamp in this world most pronounced.  

Complete high school.  Even if you don't think you will need good marks to become a bus driver, it never hurts to have good marks when you pursue further education afterwards.  Try to make use of the time you have in high school to enjoy classes, and try to find something interesting about the subjects that you learn.  It's really probably your last opportunity to be exposed to such a wide spectrum of knowledge.  Take advantage of it while you can.  Don't rush through school.  Sure, it may be boring and dry sometimes, but just try to make it as interesting for yourself as you can.  You may even learn something useful down the road someday!

Depending on where you live, you may need to undergo certain types of further training and/or obtain some special type of driver's license.  Obtain accurate information about how to prepare for your career in your area from a local government career agency or local library. Prepare as early as possible for applying to get the training or preparing for getting the license.  You do not want to miss deadlines, or not do something that could easily have been done.

Obtain some related job experience with driving or do some job shadowing with bus drivers, if this is permitted.  This will allow you to find out what being a bus driver is like.  Maybe you really hate it.  Maybe you love it.  It's a great opportunity to broaden your horizons even if you decide not to become a bus driver in the future.  Getting job or volunteer experience will also look very favorable to future employers, as they will know that you were capable enough that someone trusted you with their work.  It will also allow you to get reference letters if you need any.  Last, but not least, you will gain practical experience and contacts as a bus driver that may help you in your future job.

Keep an eye on various places where there may be job postings right from day one that you decide you want to become a bus driver.  Even if you are not yet qualified for the job, job postings give you a very good idea about what type of skills employers are looking for.

Choose your employer carefully.  If you do not think that you would fit in a particular company, you probably should not even apply there.  Of course, you should try not to be picky, but do try to make an effort to think a little about what type of company and work environment you desire.  You don't want to be finding another job in two months.

Once you have a job as a bus driver, try to distinguish yourself a little every day.  The objective is not to get a promotion or a pay raise, although that would be a nice bonus, but just as a duty to yourself.  A pledge to yourself to try to make your job a little bit better for other people.  The extra effort will make yourself feel pleased, as well as really do a service to others.  Also, no matter how good your current skills are, consider upgrading or honing your skills once in a while by taking courses or learning by yourself.  Try not to over-exert yourself, though, when working or when spending extra time to learn skills.  But do put in a good day's work.  Work in a relaxed manner.  Work at a comfortable pace, but just do not slack at your duty.  After all, it's your profession!  

Wish you every success with your job as a bus driver!


Last reviewed September 2, 2012



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